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Jesus was irresistible. His message was irresistible. 

It’s our job as the church to represent that same irresistible good news to our communities. There are nuances to what matters to our neighbours, and how we bring them toward Jesus is ever-changing and always contextualised to the person in front of us.

Have our churches “achieved” irresistible? Of course not, but we are striving toward that vision so we might win as many as possible. 

You have a unique mission, and our network exists to partner with countless other leaders striving to create a place for those who are far from God.

An Irresistible church should:

  • Expect new-comers, preparing a place for them to belong.
  • Create appealing, engaging, and helpful environments.
  • Prioritize the faith of the next generation.
  • Make a difference in their communities.
  • Become known as the safest place in the world to have any conversation.
  • Help people out of rows on Sunday and into circles of community.

Does that excited you? Yes, awesome let’s connect!

How can the Irresistible Church Network help you


It’s easy to feel alone leading a church committed to reaching the unreached. What a relief it is to find a tribe of like-minded leaders who support each other. Join a community who keep up with each other, share what they have, and cheer you on.


Most available resources don’t understand being a church for the unchurched. It can be exhausting creating your own, but you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Access world-class content and resources from a network who have been working in the same direction as you for a long time!


Leading a growing church for the unchurched presents constant challenges. Where can you find support and advice from someone who understands your life and stage? Get the coaching you need for a healthy life and church.

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