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Why do we exist?

Wouldn’t you love to lead a church that is more concerned about who you are reaching than who you are keeping? A church whose primary concern wasn’t about the already connected but the disconnected? 

And nobody wants to wait 20 years to see this growth happen. 

There is an urgency to this. Life is fragile. Everybody spends eternity somewhere, right? You have never set eyes on someone who isn’t in desperate need of the hope of God in their lives. So let’s go ICN.

Who are we?

ICN is led by people who are already doing the job of creating churches unchurched people love in their community. You don’t want theorists helping you, right? You want fellow strugglers on the journey.

Who are we NOT?

We are a network NOT a denomination. We’re made up of churches from different denominations from all across South Africa.

We are a network of like-minded leaders working together to create churches that unchurched people love in every suburb of South Africa.

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